Tired of Delver and the rest of Standard? Try Bantnanigans!

So, people are complaining a lot about the current state of Standard—not that this is news, everybody always complains about Standard. Frankly, I think the Standard environment is actually pretty good. Yes, there’s a lot of Delver, but it’s not like Delver is unbeatable or expensive. However, I think there’s a lot of space left in the current meta for new stuff, and every once in a while, I see an idea that, even if not really the best deck, looks like so much fun to play that I just have to go for it.

This is one of those decks. I would love to take credit for the design, but that wouldn’t be right, since I didn’t really design it. I first noticed it in one of Frank Lepore’s columns. I didn’t actually watch the videos, but I threw it together since I got a second Tamiyo for Father’s Day (do I have the best kids, or what?) I figured why not? I tweaked the sideboard some and only had 2 Caverns to it since my son had two in his deck for our FLGS’s Sunday afternoon Standard. Here’s the list:

[deck title=Bantnanigans]
3 Avacyn’s Pilgrim
4 Birds of Paradise
3 Blade Splicer
1 Phyrexian Metamorph
3 Restoration Angel
3 Stonehorn Dignitary
2 Thrun, the Last Troll
3 Acidic Slime
3 Frost Titan
4 Cloudshift
4 Rampant Growth
2 Tamiyo, the Moon Sage
2 Venser, the Sojourner
2 Cavern of Souls
4 Forest
2 Glacial Fortress
3 Hinterland Harbor
5 Island
2 Plains
4 Razorverge Thicket
1 Seachrome Coast
3 Mental Misstep
2 Thalia, Guardian of Thraben
2 Phantasmal Image
3 Oblivion Ring
2 Mimic Vat
1 Phyrexian Metamorph
1 Dungeon Geists
1 Consecrated Sphinx

This deck is so much fun to play it’s insane. Really, build it and try it out!

Anyway, four rounds cut to top 8.

Round 1: Alan, playing RUG Delver
Build with Huntmasters, Mayor of Avabruck, the usual Delver-Snapcaster-Ponder-Snag package, and some burn. Pretty fun deck, actually. Game 1 didn’t go very well for me, just not able to draw what I needed; mostly I drew land. And not enough action. Game 2 went mostly my way; I think I got hit with a non-flipped Delver once and ramped into an early pair of Restoration Angels and also got a Venser out. Game 3 was the really interesting one. I put down mana dorks on both of the first two turns with a Frost Titan in hand while he got a Delver on turn 1 and got it flipped. After my second mana dork, he cast Arc Trail on his third turn. Ugh. I took multiple Delver hits, but on my turn 6 I got a Frost Titan (protected by a Cavern). Of course, at this point I was at 6 life, but he had only three land, a Cavern of his own and two Sulfur Falls. I tapped down his Delver. He got a Snapcaster out but could not Snag the Titan. He followed with two more Delvers and I came back with a Bird and… Acidic Slime for one of his Falls. His Delvers did not flip, he got me down to 3, and I followed with Venser. He was at 7 after taking two hits from my Frosty, so I actually used Venser’s -1 to make my team unblockable for the win.
1-0 matches, 2-1 games

Round 2: Jon playing UB Control
I have to admit that I had no idea what he was playing in Game 1, as all he did was cast an early Ratchet Bomb, which killed I don’t even remember what, then a Black Sun for 3 after I had a Frost Titan out. I blinked the Frosty with Venser, beat for 6 more, and that was it. Game 2 was the better one. He got an early Bloodline Keeper against my Restoration Angel and Acidic Slime, then he got Jace and started milling. He managed to chump for a long time with vampire tokens but I managed to draw an Oblivion Ring for Jace and beat him down to 9 but then he got Karn. I actually ignored Karn and beat him, with a nice Cloudshift to blink a Blade Splicer to get an extra token in for lethal the following turn.
2-0 matches, 4-1 games

Round 3: Jake, playing Frites
Yes, folks, Frites is still in the format; don’t ask me how in a world full of Delver-bearing countermagic. Both being 2-0 we could probably draw in, so I offered the draw but he decided he’d rather play, which was cool. I lost the roll and game 1 was pretty dumb from my end. I got down a turn 2 Blade Splicer, which he ignored completely because he managed to Unburial a Griselbrand on like turn 4. I had no answer to that and he just beat my head in. Game 2 was one of the most drawn-out games I think I’ve ever played. I got an early Venser but he came back with Elesh Norn, which I chumped and saved my Restoration Angel with a Cloudshift. I then held him off a turn with a Stonehorn Dignitary. He came back with Sheoldred, and I sacc’d my Angel, then played a Mimic Vat. I blinked the Stonehorn with Venser and then on my upkeep sacrificed the Stonehorn to Sheoldred trigger, then put the Stonehorn under the Vat and cast a Frost Titan. Now, at the time, I only had six land, and he was able to kill Venser with a Slagstorm. However, he had no way to get through my ability to produce a Stonehorn every turn. I had nothing in my hand. He generated a Griselbrand to go with his Sheoldred and several spirit tokens. I couldn’t cast anything, though, so we just went a few turns where he cast fatties but couldn’t swing with anything. He activated Griselbrand once, but then realized that would only get him milled out faster. He said he didn’t think he had any artifact removal in his deck since he didn’t see any artifacts in the first game; why he didn’t scoop at that point I’m not sure. I finally drew something I could cast and put an O Ring on Sheoldred to exile Griselbrand. He came back with another Sheoldred and more spirits. I eventually drew another spell I could actually cast—I think a mana dork—to get rid of Sheoldred. Eventually I was able to get out two more Frost Titans and exile/tap enough of his spirits and mana dorks so that I could swing in for the win. This all took a very long time, though, and we only had a few minutes left, so we decided not to start a third game.
2-0-1 matches, 5-2 games

Round 4: Brandon, playing Solar Flare
We were first and second in the standings, so we decided to draw in. We played a few games for fun, which we split, probably with a slight edge to him, though we didn’t sideboard—it was definitely close.
2-0-2 matches, 5-2 games

Quarterfinals: Festus, playing Esper Control
I’m not entirely clear on exactly what the difference is between Esper Control and Solar Flare these days, but I’m going with what these two guys called their own decks. Game 1 I finally won a die roll, and cast a mana dork on turn 1. He played a Glacial Fortress. My turn 2 was was a Rampant Growth and another mana dork. He played a land and a Ratchet Bomb and put a counter on it to threaten my mana dorks. I played Slime to kill one of his lands. He untapped his one land, failing to draw another, and blew the ratchet bomb. I untapped, drew a land, attacked with Slime, played my fourth land, and blinked the Slime with Restoration Angel, destroying his only land. He scooped. I have to say I don’t really remember the first couple turns of game 2 (I know I had a mana dork), but that he tapped out his turn 4 and that left me free to cast Slime on my turn 4 for his only source of black. He tapped out to Day, and then Tamiyo came for a visit and tapped one of his lands. He came back with an Isolated Chapel, which then became Tamiyo’s target. I got a Thalia, which made life difficult for him, and for five of the next six turns I was able to get in with Thalia and keep him off black. At one point during that stretch he did actually drew a Swamp and tried to Go for Thalia’s throat, but I Cloudshifted her in response. I eventually got another Slime and then was able to Cloudshift that. (Incidentally, I should have ultimated Tamiyo once I had that Cloudshift but instead just kept him off black with her +1.) I sent in my pair of 2-power guys to bring him to 4. He finally killed Thalia and I got in for 2 with Slime to get him to 2, and followed that with… my third Slime. He extended his hand, clearly extremely frustrated. There’s a reason that WotC R&D doesn’t really want land destruction to be seriously viable—it’s no fun to lose that way. I would have felt bad but I owed Festus one from a previous top 8, so we’re even now.
3-0-2 matches, 7-2 games

Semifinals: ID
Everyone wanted to go home as it was getting on to dinnertime, so we drew out the top 4. Both Jake and Brandon were also in the top 4, the fourth being someone playing UWr Delver. I had played him for multiple games before the tournament actually started and we determined that I was a heavy favorite in that matchup. Three-color Delver is very finicky about lands. Mostly I didn’t want to play Jake because that matchup is very bad in game 1 and still not all that great after sideboarding.

Comments on the Deck
• This deck is outrageously fun to play, partly because it’s so outside the current metagame, and partly because it is just as goofy as the decklist looks. I’m not suggesting that it’s a Tier 1 deck for a PTQ or a GP or anything, but it’s no slouch and has amazing abilities. I know the sample size in this tournament isn’t large, but I played an unusually high (for me) number of games before and between rounds, and the deck is actually much better than I thought it would be. It’s definitely better than it looks from looking at the decklist, while still being as fun as the list looks. Sleeve it up and play it, it’s a blast. Note, however, that it can be kind of annoying to play against. I guess it’s fun if you’re a griefer, which apparently I am.
• Cloudshift is amazing. Do not play less than 4 of them! I thought about cutting one for a Dismember main, but decided not to, and that was definitely the right decision. I might consider cutting down to 3 Rampant Growth for a removal spell or a main deck Thalia or something, but I’m not sure.
• The sideboard probably isn’t right, particularly if you think there’s any chance you’ll run into Frites. It probably needs a couple Grafdigger’s Cages in the sideboard, which would also be useful in the Delver matchup (though Misstep and Thalia are very good there.) I would cut the Metamorph, Dungeon Geists, and probably the Sphinx for two Cages and maybe a third Thalia.
• Tamiyo is a little weird in this deck, in that there’s really only one card you expect to be able to get back with her emblem, which is of course Cloudshift. More than once I had her with enough counters to ultimate and just didn’t bother. Probably wrong.
• Thrun doesn’t seem to fit with the deck in that he’s not a good blink target, but I would definitely not cut him. He’s a beatstick and is very good in the land of Delvers because he forces the Delver player to be proactive, making them more likely to tap out, which makes your other trumps (Venser, Slime) that much better. It’s important that Resto Angel cannot trade with Thrun. Sword of Feast and Famine is out of favor now because of the Delver mirrors, which helps make Thrun more effective.

Mo’ Money FNM finishes: Resto Delver & Naya Pod

Been on something of a roll these last two weeks and I’m stuck at a kids’ birthday party at a bowling alley so I thought I’d generate a report.


Last week (June 1st) I had had a really busy week at work with a pair of grant proposal deadlines so I had no time to think about MTG, so I went least-effort on deck selection and just played Gerry Thompson’s list from SCG Nashville. It’s a REALLY good deck, though having played it I would tweak it a little.

Anyway, the event. 34 players, meaning five rounds cutting to top 8. I’ll admit up front that my memory for some of these is pretty sketchy.

Round 1: Jack, playing Bant Pod Spirits
I do like this deck. It’s a lot like Finkel’s deck from the last Standard PT, but with green for Strangleroot Geist and Birthing Pod to make sure you get the Captain. In this particular matchup, I should be favored unless the game goes long, because a whole bunch of hexproof spirits is not something I can handle. Game 1 I got an early Delver to flip and got a Sword on it, and that was it. Games 2 and 3 were much the same, in that I got stuck without white mana in either game and just could not stop him, even though I had Divine Offering in my hand in game 2. Game 3 I lost mostly because my two Delvers did not flip for four or five turns. A source of white in either game would have won it for me, but some days you just don’t draw it.
0-1 matches, 1-2 games

Round 2: Seth, playing UB Zombies
I got turn 3 Geist of Saint Traft, got it in a couple times with Snags, got a Resto and a Sword, and that was it. Game 2 was better. He got a Diregraf Captain, then another. I had Timely Reinforcements to buy time. He Imaged a Captain, I Snagged the Image, he cast another, I Snapped and Snagged it, got a Geist and a Resto, Snagged yet another Image, and that carried it.
1-1 matches, 3-2 games

Round 3: Nick, playing UG blink/bounce
This is kind of a weird deck, designed to bounce ETB creatures with things like Conjurer’s Closet. Frankly, it’s not really all that good, and I didn’t have that much difficulty. Restoration Angel with a Sword carried it both times, I believe.
2-1 matches, 5-2 games

Round 4: A.J., playing Jund Wolf Run
This is Wolf Run with black for Black Sun’s Zenith, Glissa, and Go for the Throat. I got a turn 3 Geist, blinked out of combat on turn 4 with Resto Angel. Next turn I swung in again with both the Angel and the Giest, he double-blocked Giest with Solemn and Glissa. I Snagged Glissa and used Divine Offering on the Solemn, dropping him to 8. Next turn I swung again, 7 through the air he couldn’t block, and did the lethal point with Vapor Snag. Game 2 he mulled and looked unhappy, on turn 2 Zenithed for a Bird, and I Gut Shot the bird and he missed his turn 3 land drop, casting only an Emissary. I flipped a Delver early, and raced his single Viridian Emissary, using counters and Snags to keep his other threats off the board. I got a Sword on the Delver, beat him to 1, and Snagged for the win.
3-1 matches, 7-2 games

Round 5: Nathan, playing BR Heartless Summoning
My tiebreakers were awful so I could not draw in. I won the roll and Pondered into a couple of Mana Leaks. He killed my turn 3 Geist with a Whipflare, , but ultimately I got a Delver flipped and Sworded, Leaked both of his attempts at Heartless, and that was it. Game 2 he got out a Wurmcoil Engine, which I copied with Image and then killed with Divine Offering. He Doom Bladed my Image, we traded tokens, but I had a flipped Delver and an Angel and they went all the way pretty easily.
4-1 matches, 9-2 games

Quarterfinals: Warren, playing RG Wolf Run with Glimmerposts
I have to confess that I don’t remember the details of this one very well. The important point was that I didn’t take a single point of damage in either game and his life total went down in large chunks both games.
5-1 matches, 11-2 games

Nobody else in the top 4 wanted to play it out so we all split, got $42.50 each. I got myself a couple more Huntmasters so that I could play Naya the following week along with some Pokemon cards for my younger son.

So, the deck deserves some commentary:
• It’s a terrific deck. This version, running Sword of Feast and Famine instead of Pike or War and Peace, plays more like Caw-Blade. Basically if you get to four mana you just sit on it and do nothing, either countering, Snapping something in, or dropping an Angel. The Angel is pretty amazing.
• I hated Thought Scour and sided them out literally every single match. I would replace them with two things from this set: a fourth Probe, a third Gut Shot, a Mutagenic Growth, or a Faith’s Shield.
• Too many Moorland Haunts. You don’t have enough targets, and you need colored mana. I’d replace it with a Plains, especially if I had added a Faith’s Shield.
• The sideboard is excellent, and it’s a really easy deck to sideboard; I always took out the Probes, the Gut Shot, and the Scours for whatever the best six were in that matchup.

Naya Pod

Now, this most recent Friday I had a little more time and decided not to play someone else’s list. Yes, Naya Pod isn’t exactly an original idea, but at least this is my own take on it. I actually looked at a bunch of recent successful lists, did some math to come up with an “average” version, and then did something else anyway. Here’s what I sleeved up:

[deck title=Naya Pod]
3 Avacyn’s Pilgrim
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Strangleroot Geist
3 Blade Splicer
1 Borderland Ranger
1 Fiend Hunter
3 Huntmaster of the Fells
1 Phyrexian Metamorph
3 Restoration Angel
1 Acidic Slime
1 Vorapede
1 Zealous Conscripts
1 Inferno Titan
1 Sunblast Angel
1 Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite
1 Green Sun’s Zenith
2 Oblivion Ring
3 Birthing Pod
1 Garruk Relentless
2 Cavern of Souls
4 Copperline Gorge
6 Forest
1 Gavony Township
1 Kessig Wolf Run
1 Mountain
2 Plains
4 Razorverge Thicket
1 Rootbound Crag
1 Slayers’ Stronghold
1 Sunpetal Grove
2 Ancient Grudge
2 Daybreak Ranger
1 Zealous Conscripts
1 Angel of Glory’s Rise
1 Tree of Redemption
2 Celestial Purge
2 Thrun, the Last Troll
2 Pillar of Flame
2 Mimic Vat

The single Angel of Glory’s Rise was because Zombies is moderately popular at my local FNM and I thought it’d be funny to pod into that. I would rather have run a Wurmcoil over the Inferno Titan but my son had all the Wurmcoils in his Tezzeret deck this week.

The really dumb thing here is that while this is ostensibly a Pod deck, I drew a Pod exactly once all night, so this was pretty much Naya Aggro.

Round 1: Eric, playing Mono-Black Infect
I actually played a version of this deck off and on for a while prior to Dark Ascension, and it can be better than many people think. Anyway, I won the roll and led off with a Strangleroot Geist into turn 3 Blade Splicer, he led with turn 2 Livewire Lash followed by turn 3 Phyrexian Crusader. I Slimed the Lash and dropped a Huntmaster. He came back with a second Crusader and a Lily, making me sac the wolf token. Neither of us could productively attack, but the stalemate let me flip the Huntmaster to kill Lily. I followed with a Borderland Ranger to fetch out a seventh land, and cast Elesh, to which he scooped. Game 2 he again led with a Lash but followed with a Whispering Specter. He hit me for three poison but did not make me discard and the Specter died when my Huntmaster flipped. From there I had gas and all he could muster was another Lily, so it was brief.
1-0 matches, 2-0 games

Round 2: Chris, playing Resto Delver with Blade Splicers
I lost the roll and he opened with Probe and Ponder. I had kept a sketchy hand with a Geist but no second source of green, but it didn’t matter that much. We both had Blade Splicers and were both blinking them with Angels, but he drew one more Angel than me and Leaked my third one and that carried the day. Game 2 he again opened with Probe and Ponder, and followed that with a Delver. I came back with a mana dork into a turn 2 Splicer. His Delver did not flip, but did hit me and I came back with a Fiend Hunter. He answered with Geist of Saint Traft. I played land and swung with everything, and he took the bait and blocked the Splicer with Geist. I activated my Gavony Township to pump my team so he lost his Geist and never recovered from the lead that created. Bit of a punt on his part, but it’s easy to forget about lands that do stuff like that. Game 3 was the most interesting. For the third game in a row, he opened with Probe and Ponder on turn 1. I opened with a mana dork on 1 and a Mimic Vat on turn 2. I next stuck a Garruk and made a Wolf, he came back with Geist. He swung with Geist and I flashed in an Angel which I threw in front of the token, meaning the Angel died… and I put it under the Vat. Today’s MTG Tip of the Obvious: Restoration Angel under Mimic Vat is amazing. I was able to protect Garruk and kept pumping out Wolves, blocking with my Angel token. He got a Snapcaster to Snag a token, and I killed that with Garruk to make smaller, but more lethal, Wolves. He got a Resto Angel of his own to save his Geist from a Wolf and we were kind of stalemated, except that he couldn’t get through to Garruk, and so tokens continued until I could build up enough mana to both make an Angel token with the Vat and activate Township on the same turn, and then things quickly went my way.
2-0 matches, 4-1 games

Round 3: John, playing UB Tezzeret
This is actually a very cool deck with amazing inevitability, but it’s sometimes a bit slow. I mulled my opening hand because the first action it had was a 4-drop into a fast hand with Pilgrim, Geist, Blade Splicer, Huntmaster, and two land. My hand was fast enough to overwhelm him before he drew enough removal to deal with it, especially since my second draw was another Geist. Game 2 was more interesting. I opened with a hand with two Geists, a Sunblast Angel, a mana dork, a Zenith, and land. Turn 1 he Despised me, taking a Geist. I went out hard but didn’t make the kind of progress I made in the first game and he slowed me down with a Torbor Orb and double Pristine Talisman. I drew an O Ring for the Orb and then a Grudge for both the Talismans. I had out a few guys with 1 or 2 toughness and the Sunblast Angel, and he Black Zenith’d for 2 to kill most of my team. I was beating him up with a 2-power Angel and drew a Metamorph that I used to copy my Angel, and fortunately he didn’t draw a Metamorph of his own and my Angels got there.
3-0 matches, 6-1 games

Round 4: Jack playing Resto Delver
I have to admit that I don’t remember the first game very well. I can tell from my life totals that he hit me with a flipped Delver and I had a Huntmaster come out at some point, but other than that, I don’t really remember it. I do remember game 2 better, though, as I distinctly recall getting two mana dork killed via Gut Shot (the second one off a Snapcaster) but he was stuck on three lands, then I hit one of his lands with Slime, then used Restoration Angel to blink the Slime and take out his second land. He did topdeck a land, but then I got a Daybreak Ranger and got it to flip, followed it with another. He got another land and Snapped back a Probe, saw an Inferno Titan, and scooped.
4-0 matches, 8-1 games

Rounds 5 and 6: ID
There were only two of us who were undefeated going into round 5, so we figured out that we could just draw in, which we did.
4-0-2 matches, 8-1 games

Quarterfinals: Daniel, playing UW Miracles
My opener here was pretty awesome: turn 1 mana dork, turn 2 Geist, turn 3 Huntmaster which flipped when he had no play on his turn, then team swing on turn 4, pumping the team with Township, dropping him to 3. He came back with Day of Judgment, but he was at three. Another Geist finished him off. Game 2 I got a turn 2 Mimic Vat followed by a turn 3 Huntmaster, and for the first time all night, I got a Birthing Pod! I made a Huntmaster token, swung, then podded the token into Vorapede. He miracled Terminus, but that didn’t stop me from making the same play the next turn. He miracled Entreat the Angels for only three Angels, but I came back with Zealous Conscripts. Now, I did make a mistake here in that he blocked the Conscripts with one of his two Angel tokens and I didn’t put Conscripts under the Vat. I hit him next turn with a Huntmaster token, dropping him to three, but then he miracled Devastation Tide, so it ended up not mattering. I drew a mana dork, played Pod again, podded the dork into Geist, and he scooped.
5-0-2 matches, 10-1 games

It was a little after 1:00 in the morning at this point, so since there were 40 people, there was $200 in the prize pool and we decided to four-way split again.

Comments on this deck:
• The deck is good, better than I thought it would be. I wasn’t expecting to do so well with it.
• Pod? Who needs Birthing Pod? I drew it once in 11 games. Now, I did only run three in favor of one Zenith, but what impressed me most about this deck was its ability to win without Pod. Since there are a lot of 3-ofs and a couple 4-ofs in drops 1 through 4, it is more consistent than other Pod decks I have played in the past when Pod doesn’t show up.
Gavony Township is outstanding. Play this card if you’re playing Naya.
• Oblivion Ring was very good. I would not cut this.
• As I said, I would cut the Inferno Titan for a Wurmcoil Engine.
• I’m not so sure about Vorapede, but maybe that’s because I never drew a Pod. Might go with Archon of Justice or Wolfir Silverheart instead. Zealous Conscripts is great, though, definitely keep that.