Shameless Plug

So, for anyone out there who’s a fan of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, I have to recommend this book to you, called The Anthology at the End of the Universe.

It’s a collection of essays about the series. As with most such things, there are some which are terrific and some which are less so. I think the good ones are definitely worth it, though. Of course, this is a shameless plug because I wrote one of the essays. I don’t stand to make any money off this, though, unless they sell like a gazillion copies–I just think it’s a fun read. Well-timed with the movie coming out next week, too.

2 thoughts on “Shameless Plug”

  1. Damn. Amazon has the first six pages up, which means I could read over half of your essay without paying a cent.

    But now I’ll never know how it ends. I’m in similar agony over the finish of this book, which may have the best complement of reader reviews ever.

  2. Very cute, Ben. My question is, how did you even find that book?

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